Heather Drucker
2 min readAug 5, 2020

I Am Circe: A Poem

I Am Circe

A Poem

I am Circe, a goddess who will stop at nothing to make you mine.

I have been watching you for months, even years, but today I will make my move.

I will pull you off your boat into the water.

I will kiss you so hard that I’m inside you.

I will grab you and pull your face towards me.

I am not afraid to thrust myself against you with such force that we smash against each other.

I’m not afraid to put my hands down your pants and take you.

I will lick the salty seawater off your stomach, your chest, and your hipbone.

I will take you inside my mouth as deep it can go.

It’s probably good that you couldn’t see me until now, because I would have kissed you so hard that I’d break your teeth.

It’s probably good that I wasn’t near you, because I’d have found a way to make you to come to me.

When I have you, I will eat and drink of you because I am hungry, and I’ve been starving for your touch.

And if you rebuff me, I will turn you into a bird, or a fish, and then I’ll eat you anyway.

There’s no getting around it.

I am a sorceress who always gets what she wants. And I want you.

Heather Drucker

NYC based book publicist who loves to talk about books, media and the arts; Facebook: Heather.drucker.1. IG: @druckerheather, Twitter: @hdrucker